Item: Celebrant

  • The Unique Celebrant power blocks the first Ability played against the player (who played the Unique Celebrant) each turn. Subsequent abilities that are played against the player are not blocked by the Celebrant.
  • If an ability is played against a player who has played both the Unique Celebrant and a Wedding Coordinator, then the first ability played is blocked by the Unique Celebrant.
  • If an ability is played that doesn’t negatively affect the owner of the Unique Celebrant card, then the player can still block a negative ability that is played against them that turn.
  • If The Crazy Ex, The Plus One or Screaming Baby are already laid down in your guests, then the Celebrant Power has no impact on their Abilities.
  • The attacking player may choose to no longer play the ability if they are made aware that it will be blocked by the Unique Celebrant power.
  • The Unique Celebrant ability is not active until the Unique Celebrant has been played and is in your items.

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